Tweed Heads Men's Shed Emergency First Aid Procedures.

DRABCD Procedures

The DRABCD action plan is a crucial guide in the event of an emergency. Here’s what each letter stands for:

HeartSine SAM 360P AED Procedure

Training Video Below

  1. Check area is safe

  2. Check the Victim

    • Check for responsiveness by shaking the shoulders and talking loudly.
    • If unresponsive, call for medical assistance immediately and get the Samaritan AED.
  3. Turn on the Samaritan AED

    • Press the green on/off button.
    • Follow the AED Audio and Visual instructions
  4. Prepare the Patient

    • Remove clothing from the patient's chest to expose bare skin.
    • Depending on the patient's age, use the appropriate pad pack (adult(grey) or child (green) Use Adult pads if no child pad pack is available.
    • Peel the pads from the liner and apply them to the patient's bare chest as shown in the picture. Press the pads firmly onto the patient's bare skin.
  5. CPR

    • The Samaritan PAD will prompt you to begin CPR and will continue to do so until you begin chest compressions.
    • Place your overlapping hands in the middle of the chest and press directly down on the chest in time with the metronome.
    • Remain calm and maintain a depth of at least 5 centimeters (2 inches) and not greater than 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) for adults and children greater than 8 years of age.
  6. Continue the Cycle

    • The Samaritan PAD will prompt you to stop chest compressions after two minutes and will assess the patient's heart rhythm again.
    • It will advise you to continue CPR or inform you that no shock is needed.
  7. After Use

    • Slide a new pad pack into the unit and store it as usual.
    • Download the event data using the Saver EVO software and a custom USB data cable.
    • Erase the data from memory after downloading.
    • Submit the Saver EVO file and a completed customer event form to HeartSine.

By following these instructions, you can use the HeartSine SAM 360P AED to help save someone's life in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.

By following these steps and familiarizing yourself with the use of an AED and the DRABCD procedures, you can help save lives in emergency situations. Stay safe and be prepared!

Watch Training Video here